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The Blood
Warm and thick, deep and rich, flowing like a nice thick creamy soup. As the blood flowed freely from her victim’s vein and into her...

The Reflection
She stood there in silence seeing all the blood in its deep crimson glory shining as the moonlight from the window bounced off it. She...

The Shed
As the newest homeowner of a traditional two bed one bath craftsman cottage on the lush Pacific Northwest, he couldn't wait to get in the...

The Body Bag
He laid there in the darkness trying to feel the space around him. It was close, lacking air, and all enveloping. He felt like he was...

The Last Halloween
She was 15 and felt she was too old to trick or treat, but her parents urged her to go anyway. She dressed up in a classic Jack O'lantern...

True Crime
She loved watching true crime documentaries and television series. It was her favorite pastime on a lazy day. She would invite her best...

The Knocking
It had been three days since he last slept. He was starting to feel a tad delirious from his growing exhaustion. He was also beginning to...

Movement. There was always movement, even in the quietest most still moments. There seemed to be no reprieve from the movement. For a...

The Figure
It was so dark, she almost felt as if she were falling into the woods where walked. The ground beneath her feet was soft from the rain...

The Door
She stood there staring at the door, listening in anticipation. She was on time, she knocked, and no one answered. She listened more...

You've decided to read this...
Now what? Well, I guess you have an interest in what I may have to write about, so now I'm obligated to tell you stories. I guess this...
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